Carey Mulligan Nude – Shame – Blu ray

Carey Mulligan in the nude scene from Shame

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Original post: August 29, 2012

Fun fact: Shame is the second highest-grossing film with an NC-17 rating in history, narrowly missing Showgirls’ haul by only a few million. But considering the former’s critical acclaim against the universal panning of the latter, I think it’s clear who the real winner is. The rating isn’t coincidental either. This film has a lot of nudity. Apart from the film’s many female nude scenes, the director also dedicated an uncomfortable amount of screen time to Michael Fassbender’s cock.

Carey Mulligan full frontal naked in Shame

The most prominent nude scene in the film that doesn’t include penises is Carey Mulligan’s. You may know her as Kitty Bennet from 2005′s Pride and Prejudice, or failing that, as the ex-girlfriend of Shia LaBeouf, who as we recently learned is no stranger to full frontal nude scenes himself. In spite of being so surrounded by constantly naked A-listers, Carey delivers a solid nude scene herself, and at that, one that graciously saves this film from being 2 hours of Michael Fassbender fanservice.

Caps and clip of this scene are below, and you can check out the GIFs here.

Carey Mulligan nude in ShameCarey Mulligan nude in ShameCarey Mulligan nude in ShameCarey Mulligan nude in ShameCarey Mulligan nude in ShameCarey Mulligan nude in ShameCarey Mulligan nude in ShameCarey Mulligan nude in ShameCarey Mulligan nude in ShameCarey Mulligan nude in ShameCarey Mulligan nude in Shame

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