Emma Stone Nude – Poor Things – Trailer

Emma Stone nude in the trailer from Poor Things from Brazil

Emma Stone nude in Poor Things is the gift that keeps on giving, and the movie hasn’t even come out yet! The latest is an extended trailer from Brazil which included a very quick shot of Bella Baxter dancing topless on stage. Rumors include that the whole world got the trailer, parts of the world got it, or only Brazil got it. In either event, it’s Brazilian social media that has immortalized it, and for that, I thank them. This notably include Emma Stone Brasil | Fansite on Twitter/X, from whom I got my edit. Speaking of which, the release is low-res, low-detail, and the naked Emma Stone takes up only a small part of the screen, but I’ve done a bit of work, and you can find all 11 frames of this footage below.

And obviously check the Poor Things and Emma Stone tags for both existing and upcoming info, videos, and galleries. And get updates as they go live on X.

Emma Stone nude capture from leaked trailer of Poor ThingsEmma Stone nude capture from leaked trailer of Poor ThingsEmma Stone nude capture from leaked trailer of Poor ThingsEmma Stone nude capture from leaked trailer of Poor ThingsEmma Stone nude capture from leaked trailer of Poor ThingsEmma Stone nude capture from leaked trailer of Poor ThingsEmma Stone nude capture from leaked trailer of Poor ThingsEmma Stone nude capture from leaked trailer of Poor ThingsEmma Stone nude capture from leaked trailer of Poor ThingsEmma Stone nude capture from leaked trailer of Poor ThingsEmma Stone nude capture from leaked trailer of Poor Things

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