Hailee Steinfeld Naked – Wrong Direction – HD Stream

Hailee Steinfeld naked in the accidental nudity scene in the bathtub from a music video

I always thought that if we ever got to see Hailee Steinfeld naked, it would be somehow linked to her acting career. Or maybe a leak, but we don’t talk about those lest the lawyers start licking their lips. I mean, I never expected that the Marvel Cinematic Universe would grow balls and give us a Kate Bishop nude scene, but Hailee’s got enough roles that she could easily end up in the right production for it. That said, Kathryn Hahn’s ass shot in Agatha All Along has made me pause for thought as to whether we might get some naked archery down the line after all.

Hailee Steinfeld nude with her left nipple visible through a nipslip in her music video

Back in the present, though, where we did see Hailee Steinfeld nude – and all the way back in 2020, at that – was in her music video for Wrong Direction. How this flew under everyone’s radar, I don’t know, and it’s to the point where the video is literally still up on YouTube. Seriously, check it out. The nipslip is at 2:41. Ain’t a single comment pointing it out either. Anyway, there’s all two frames of Hailee Steinfeld’s left nipple while sloshing around in a bathtub, dripping wet. In the video itself, it’s not entirely clear whether you’re seeing nip or just the water line, but after a bit of color correction, I think we can all agree that that really is her boob in all its glory. (And by “all”, I mean the top edge of her nipple and areola.)

Thanks to David for the tip-off. Not all heroes wear capes. If you want to be a hero too, you can shoot tips my way on X.


  1. Hey man thank u for what u do I was wondering if u would do no hard feelings color corrected and enhanced frame by frame. Jlaw is super hot in it. Thanks

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