I fear I have failed you all in being the herald of this most wonderful news of Jessica Raine naked on screen for the first time in human history. You see, I’ve been sitting on this footage for over two weeks now. Yes, it’s true, but believe me, I have not been withholding it out of some sick desire to deprive all you good men and lesbos of a delightful fap. No, it’s because Becoming Elizabeth is a series that is produced by Starz. Yes, that Starz. The Starz that brought us Spartacus, the series that perhaps wins the award for most tits and ass on any non-pornography TV series in the history of television. My God, even softcore Cinemax (or, dare I say it, Skinemax) shows had less nudity than Spartacus. That’s the Starz we all know and love. Nudity as far as the eye can see and the cock can take, but funnily enough, better writing than most other networks anyway.
Jessica Raine appeared nude in Becoming Elizabeth in the very first episode. In fact, if memory serves, it was her very first scene in the entire show. It certainly happened a modest five-and-a-half minutes into the pilot episode. There’s about two minutes of nudity from our Nurse Jenny Lee (don’t you dare pretend you didn’t watch it for her), and then that was it for the rest of the episode. Naturally, I didn’t want to drip feed all of you fap material like some sort of demented pusher, so I was holding out until at least the second episode so that I could consolidate the material from the two and post it together. The second episode came and went and there was no nudity from any of the main characters. So I waited for the third episode. Would you like to guess how much nudity was in that one?
We have only seen Jessica Raine nude in Becoming Elizabeth once since the series began. Mind you, I am writing this between the airings of the third and fourth episodes, but given the trajectory, I suspect we won’t get any more from her until the season finale, if even that. To be honest, the show keeps on teasing an Alicia von Rittberg nude scene, including in this last episode when Tom Cullen as Thomas Seymour is undressing her by gradually cutting her clothes of piece by piece with a sword. But alas, still no nudity from the German actress. I know it’s going to happen eventually because in spite of this worrying trend of minimizing nude scenes in film and television, this ticks all of the boxes. She’s an up-and-coming actress who has landed in the lead role of a show, and that show is produced by fucking Starz, the network of boobs in every shot, no matter how unnecessary. I, for one, refuse to believe that their heyday is over.
So in what context do we see Jessica Raine topless for the one occasion so far that we do? In short, it’s a two minute long sex scene with her co-star. The English actress plays Catherine Parr, the widow of the recently departed King Henry, who moved on to boning his brother-in-law within picoseconds of his death, as one does. I’ll admit, the nude scenes aren’t exceptionally graphic, but considering this is the only time we have ever seen her naked, I’m not going to complain. I mean, if you have been waiting for this since the first season of Call the Midwife, you’ve probably gone all the way to typing “Jessica Raine bikini” into Google Images in a fit of desperation and still gotten nothing, so this is certainly more than we ever expected. Nonetheless, I would have hoped for something a little more than a few shots of nipple and some sideboob heavily obscured in shadow.
If you’ve been waiting to see Nurse Jenny Lee nude, in Call the Midwife or outside of it (but let’s be honest, Jessica Raine was at her peak in that show, somehow), then this is it for you for now. I hope you enjoy. And remember, just because you’re done fapping, doesn’t mean you should start Round Two immediately. And just to be clear so that there is no confusing, this post is not to do with the identically pronounced and similarly spelled Jenni Lee who used to get her tits out for money and was a huge thing before being forced to live as a Morlock in the abandoned adrenochrome mines below Las Vegas. God knows that is a better story, if for no reason other than the sheer insanity of it, but one for another time. For now, scroll for the gallery of all the caps of, for the first time ever, Jessica Raine naked.